I have been home sick for the past couple of days, which gave me ample time to catch up with, what some may call, "junk" tv. I watch anything from Everyday Italian on Food Network to CSI on CBS. I mean it- EVERYTHING. So as you can imagine, my sick days were incredibly busy. :)
To my surprise, my cold coincided with the season finale of the Bachelor. Yay! I get to cuddle up in bed with my cough drops and gossip magazines and indulge in 2 hours of broken hearts and engagement rings. Boy, was I wrong.
For those of you who missed this historic event, let me fill you in.
Jason, the Bachelor, had Melissa and Molly to choose from during the final rose ceremony. Easy cheesy right? Just you wait.
Jason chooses Melissa, proposes, and they skip off on their merry way. BUT! Once they have the "After the Final Rose Ceremony" show, Jason throws a curveball, breaks up with Melissa, and asks for Molly to have him back. WHAT?! My immune system was NOT strong enough for this. After a few frantic phone calls to my best friend, Mary, we talked it out and realized that you absolutely have to sell your soul to be on that show.
Melissa left heartbroken, and Jason and Molly are living happily ever after. Suddenly, TV life became far more complicated than normal life! Thank goodness...