Thursday, June 25, 2009

They Always Come In Three's...

It's a so-called "Hollywood Curse." That once a celebrity dies, two will soon follow.

This week, that "curse" proved to be true.

First, there was Ed McMahon, Johnny Carson's famous sidekick.

Then, Farrah Fawcett came to the end of her three-year long battle anal cancer.

And finally, Michael Jackson.

Who would have thought that three front-running Hollywood players would lose their lives in the same week?

It makes me believe in the curse... What about you? Do you think this is a coincident or fate?

How Will You Remember M.J.?

My favorite Michael Jackson memory:

Dancing with all of my best friends at a lakehouse for HOURS to the Jackson hit "Man In The Mirror."

His music inspired many dance parties for me and has enriched many roadtrips.

How will you remember Michael Jackson?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Jon and Kate Call it Quits

Ok. I've been thinking all day about how to address this issue.

Kate (of the TLC reality hit TV show "Jon and Kate Plus 8") filed for divorce yesterday. I'm sure many of you are wondering why this has been covered so heavily, as am I.

But I have to say, I am so sad for them. All this time, I've been on "Team Kate." Now, before you tell me all of the terrible things she's done to bring on a divorce, hear me out!

I cannot imagine raising 8 kids UNDER the age of 10! I come from a huge family and kids ranging from ages 23 to 3. I KNOW how crazy a household can be. She needs to yell, scream for help, and demand perfection. That's the only way a household of that magnitude can function.

For now, let's focus on the kids. They are going to be going through a lot in the next few monthes. Luckily, TLC recognized that and shut down production until August, to give the family some breathing room.

SO! Tell me what you think! Did Kate ask for this divorce? Has it been covered too much?