Kanye West- didn't your mother ever tell you, if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all? APPARENTLY NOT.
Last night, at the VMA's, Taylor Swift beat out Beyonce for much-coveted "Moon Man" award for her music video. A well deserved award in my opinion. Kayne, however, disagreed. "Mr. Cranky Pants," as he will now be referred to in this post, jumped onstage in the middle of Taylor's acceptance speech, grabbed the mic, and went off on a tangent about how Beyonce deserved the award more than Sweet Taylor.
One tid-bit we didn't see was after he finished embarressing the poor 17-year-old, he paused. Waited for reaction. When he didn't get it? Mr. Cranky Pants flipped off the crowd and ran out like a little girl. He was never seen on camera again.
Whew. Now that I'm done humiliating Mr. Cranky Pants, lets move on to the real winner of the night. Beyonce won the highest honor, and rather than thanking the usual suspects, like the videos director and her family, she invited Taylor onstage to give her acceptance speech instead. AMAZING.
Rarely, do you see celebrities soft-sides, like Beyonce shared with millions of viewers last night. KUDOS to you, Beyonce... CONGRATS Taylor Swift... and BOO Mr. Cranky Pants!