OK, we get it. He had an affair. Now can we please move on? I feel so sorry for Tiger and his wife. Here are some updates since my last post...
1. Tiger and Elin have holed up in their Florida home and have been meeting several times at day with a marriage counselor.
2. MULTIPLE women, from all walks of life, have come forward with allegations of having an affair, child, sex tape, etc. with Tiger. Yeesh.
3. Tigers mother-in-law was rushed from Tiger and Elin's home to the hospital. She was later released.
4. Elin has reportedly purchased a $2 million home in her native Sweden... A possible escape pad?
5. Tiger's signature drink for Gatorade has been dropped (Gatorade says it has NOTHING to do with the media storm surrounding his personal life.) However, a California Congressman says he has decided to NOT award Tiger with a Gold Congressional Medal of Honor. Whoops.
Any who, lets get down to the meat and potatoes of this incident... He screwed up. Possibly ruined his marriage, and has deceived the public with his squeaky image. Do you think this is a human mistake that will be forgiven and forgotten, or something you will never forget?