How many is too many? That's the title on this weeks People Magazine cover story. It's about Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar- a devoutly religious Arkansas couple who have let God decide how many children they will have, by not using any form of birth control since their first sons birth in the mid-1980's. So far, God has decided to give them 19.
Nineteen, hmm sounds like a little much. So far, the Duggars have been blessed with 18 easy pregnancies, very few having any complications at all. Until the December birth of baby 19, Josie Brooklyn.
Diagnosed with Preeclampsia, Michelle delivered baby Josie at only 25 weeks, she was due March 18th. She weighed only 1 pound 6 ounces and her head was the size of a billiard ball. Now, 7 weeks later, she weighs over 2 pounds, is taking breastmilk and seems to be on the up and up.
The struggles baby Josie has had to face bring a question to many readers minds, How many is too many?
What do you think? Were the Duggars playing baby Russian Roulette or was Baby Josie's dangerous delivery just part of God's plan?
I am all for allowing your faith to guide your path in life, but when does it become too much, by endangering the lives of both mother and baby?