Tuesday, July 20, 2010

LiLo Is Off To The Slammer!

Celebrity bloggers and Lindsay Lohan haters are rejoicing at this very moment. Our child star turned mid-20 train wreck has arrived in court and will surrender to her 90 day jail sentence.

But, let's get real. When has a starlet ever served her full sentence in a Los Angeles jail? Because of overcrowding, my guess is that she'll serve 3 hours. MAX.

So, let's make this interesting! Tell me how long you think she'll be in the slammer and whether or not you think that's fair.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Reunited... At last?

Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston have announced that they have reconciled and are re-engaged.

Of course, as any media-savvy child would do, Bristol tells US Weekly before her mother. Not smart, young lady.

The Palin camp finally came out and talked about whether or not they are supporting the lovers reunion.

"Bristol at 19 is now a young adult. We obviously want what's best for our children," they said in a statement read on the Today show Wednesday morning. "Bristol believes in redemption and forgiveness to a degree most of us struggle to put in practice in our daily lives."

Johnston's mother also pipped in with her opinion.

She says she will be devastated of she's not invited to the wedding, and hopes the two will elope before they even consider having a wedding she can't come to.

If you can remember that far back, Mrs. Palin and Mrs. Johnston are NOT friends. My guess is that Sarah will have the trump-card, especially if they are paying for the round 2 nuptials.

On a side note, how adorable is their baby, Tripp?! See pic below...


Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Lindsay Lohan finally got what she had coming. She was sentenced tonight to 90 days in jail stemming from a 2007 DUI/ Drug charge.

To me, this was a perfect example of a celebrity believing she was above the law. She repeatedly missed court dates, was found with a .03 blood alcohol level while wearing an ankle monitor, and did not take alcohol classes seriously.

When you are a celebrity like Lohan, you have to remember that you are setting an example for all youngsters who look up to you. What kind of example has she been setting? A BAD ONE.

Hopefully, jail time and rehab will fix this snafu in what could be a happy life.

What do you think? Was she acting above the law, or were all of her excuses valid?