I never intended to get hooked on the Real Housewives drama of any City, but I'll admit that I've been sucked in. From Orange County, Atlanta, New York, and New Jersey, to the upcoming D.C., the shows are filled with straight up drama. I like to avoid the drama in my own life, but for some reason it's entertaining when it comes to reality TV.
Now, why I chose to discuss the RH of New Jersey is because I am sick of the ongoing "Danielle" plot line. I am not the biggest fan of Danielle, and a lot of the complaints from the other Real Housewives are true, but a part of me does feel bad for her. The show revolves around everyone bashing her, and ganging up on her.
In this week's episode, I was disappointed that Danielle's one girlfriend, Kim G. betrayed her. Danielle trusted her, and she not only spilled her business, but she also brutally back stabbed her.
Again, Danielle has never been a favorite of mine. I still think it is pathetic that she calls her side-kick, Danny to help her handle every situation...but, let's face it...the girl is a mess. She has issue upon issue, and who doesn't?
But, what I am getting at is that I am so tired of that being the plot line of the entire show. At least in the other cities of the Real Housewives series, there are lots of things going on. That is not the case for RH of New Jersey.
I know that other characters, like Dena chose to leave the show...but for some reason, I don't think Danielle has that flexibility. In my opinion Danielle relies on the show for financial stability and in hopes of making her daughter's showbiz career dreams come true.
To my fellow, RH fans...any thoughts? Can you blame the fellow housewives for ganging up on her (especially with her past) or do you think she has been turned into a victim?
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Aaaaaand.... They're off.

Well, that was quick. Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston have called off their engagement. Yay?
Apparently, they're fairy-tale reunion quickly started to fall apart soon after then announced their re-engagement.
There were tales of infidelity (she claims he impregnated another young woman, that woman claims he's not the father.)
What do you think? Is this divine intervention, or should they have stuck it out? You decide.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
LiLo Is Off To The Slammer!

Celebrity bloggers and Lindsay Lohan haters are rejoicing at this very moment. Our child star turned mid-20 train wreck has arrived in court and will surrender to her 90 day jail sentence.
But, let's get real. When has a starlet ever served her full sentence in a Los Angeles jail? Because of overcrowding, my guess is that she'll serve 3 hours. MAX.
So, let's make this interesting! Tell me how long you think she'll be in the slammer and whether or not you think that's fair.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Reunited... At last?

Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston have announced that they have reconciled and are re-engaged.
Of course, as any media-savvy child would do, Bristol tells US Weekly before her mother. Not smart, young lady.
The Palin camp finally came out and talked about whether or not they are supporting the lovers reunion.
"Bristol at 19 is now a young adult. We obviously want what's best for our children," they said in a statement read on the Today show Wednesday morning. "Bristol believes in redemption and forgiveness to a degree most of us struggle to put in practice in our daily lives."
Johnston's mother also pipped in with her opinion.
She says she will be devastated of she's not invited to the wedding, and hopes the two will elope before they even consider having a wedding she can't come to.
If you can remember that far back, Mrs. Palin and Mrs. Johnston are NOT friends. My guess is that Sarah will have the trump-card, especially if they are paying for the round 2 nuptials.
On a side note, how adorable is their baby, Tripp?! See pic below...
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Lindsay Lohan finally got what she had coming. She was sentenced tonight to 90 days in jail stemming from a 2007 DUI/ Drug charge.
To me, this was a perfect example of a celebrity believing she was above the law. She repeatedly missed court dates, was found with a .03 blood alcohol level while wearing an ankle monitor, and did not take alcohol classes seriously.
When you are a celebrity like Lohan, you have to remember that you are setting an example for all youngsters who look up to you. What kind of example has she been setting? A BAD ONE.
Hopefully, jail time and rehab will fix this snafu in what could be a happy life.
What do you think? Was she acting above the law, or were all of her excuses valid?
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Jesse James: Finding His Home in The Lone Star State

Great, just what Texas needs. Jesse James (Sandra Bullocks cheating/soon-to-be ex-husband,) has put his California home in the market and is making his way to Austin.
No doubt, to be closer to Sandra and their ADORABLE baby, Louis.
I can't blame him... Not only is Texas AMAZING, but a beautiful wife you're trying to win back and the cutest stinking baby you want to spend time with are preeeetty good reasons why you would want to move to the Lone Star State.
How do you feel about our newest resident?
Jake and Vienna DONZO

Ugh, thank goodness.
Jake Pavelka (a hunky pilot and the most recent Bachelor) has called it quits with Vienna. YUCK.
I can't stand her and am so happy she's out of the picture. The news was just announced within 24 hours and already, rumors are swirling about Vienna's infidelity. Other reports say that Vienna didn't give much breathing room in the relationship and was almost "stalkerish." I love it.
Now, all of the Bachelor/ Bachelorette fans are wondering... Will Jake try and get sweet Ali back?? Would be totally predictable and viewer friendly, as most reality TV relationships would-be.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Sex Tapes and Celebs

Why in the world do some celebrities pretend they had nothing to do with supposed sex tapes?
In recent weeks, Real Housewives (Danielle Staub) and former Playboy Bunny, Kendra Baskett, are the most recent celebs who are debuting in their own raunchy home videos.
To each their own. If it's in your VHS collection, keep it there. In my opinion, this is not a good way to soar to the top of stardom.
What do you think? Are these tapes released on purpose, or are they a terrible breach of personal security?
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Splitsville Rumors... True or False?

UGHHHH. I apologize in advance for this post, but I just have to know. Do you think the Heidi and Spencer split is a publicity stunt or the real thing?
The Hills stars are reportedly taking a hiatus from their INSANE marriage. The two may have cooked up the story line to get back in Hill's producers good graces. I originally thought the split was for TV viewing purposes only, but today, Heidi was photographed filing for legal separation.
Hmm, it looks like she's taking this stunt a little too far, but all of their co-stars believe it is all for the show.
What do you think? Is this violating the sanctity of marriage for a few thousand bucks or are they really headed for splitsville?
Friday, May 28, 2010
Gary Coleman Dies At 42

Poor little Gary Coleman... After being hospitalized after a fall, Gary Coleman has died after being taken off of life support in Provo, Utah.
Coleman, a child star with a trouble past, has made headlines in recent years for being on a various VH1 shows, having a bizarre marriage, and health problems. Hopefully, the "Hollywood Deaths Come in Three's" trend won't happen in this case... I think Hollywood has lost enough celebrities recently!
Leave you favorite memories of growing up with Gary Coleman!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Sandra Shows Off New Baby Boy!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Cheater, Cheater, Pumpkin-Eater!

I am so incredibly sick of finding only cheating/scandal news in all of my favorite tabloid publications!
I know, I know, it's not worthy of any one's time, but it's truly one of my favorite ways to wind down... Reading tabloids and checking people.com and eonline.com.
Last night, both popped up a story about David Boreanaz's (star of hit series "Bones") infidelity. He's come out and said he has cheated on his wife and that his almost nine-year marriage is tainted by his infidelities. He is two children, one is only 8 months old. Hmm...
It seems like 2010 has been nothing but cheating, cheating, and more cheating.
At least this one has come out and come clean about his infidelities. But which one do you think is worse? Is it more insulting to come clean and tell your adoring fans you've been cheating? Or is it worse to just have it creep through the woodwork?
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Legendary actress, Sandra Bullock, has made a monumental announcement. Drum roll please...
SHE HAS A BABY! And she's getting divorced. Yeesh.
She and soon to be ex-husband, Jesse James, adopted 3 1/2 month old "Louis" in January and planned on announcing their new addition after awards season.
However, Jesse's dirty-little-secret (a series of affairs) got in the way of their ecstatic announcement.
Bullock has been out of the loop since the infidelity came to the surface and has been apparently hiding out with her sweet baby, Louis.
SO! Kudos to you, Sandra! For filing for divorce from your husband with a wandering-eye and for bringing home a much better, younger man!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Another One Bites The Dust.

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. Just what Hollywood needed, another cheating spouse!
I'm sure you've all heard, Jesse James (West Coast Choppers mogul) and Sandra Bullock are on the outs after a handful of mistresses have come forward saying they've been having relations with Mr. James.
This is just getting ridiculous. Of course, Bullock has left their home and is now back in her Hollywood home she had before they married years ago.
One thing I found most interesting in this situation, is that the media is OBVIOUSLY observing Bullocks request for privacy. Has anyone seen a picture of Bullock since the news broke of her crumbling marriage? No. Jesse has been followed non-stop since the allegations surfaced.
Jesse has been unfaithful in relationships before Bullock.
So what do you think? Is this just a habit he can't break, or is this another example of the Oscar winner curse?
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Is The "FLU" Really To Blame?

Recently, two stars have died from "flu-like" symptoms and possibly overdosing on medication.
Brittany Murphy died months ago after she collapsed in the shower. Her family said she had been battling the flu and was headed to the doctor sometime soon before she died from her illness.
Today, Corey Haim(Lost Boys star from the 1980's) died from what his family is also calling a flu-like illness.
Murphy's weight and possible drug-addicted past were brought into question soon after her death, however those were cleared up in her autopsy.
Haim's mother admitted today that her son suffered from prescription drug addiction and had turned down the opportunity to appear on VH1's "Celebrity Rehab" within the last 10 days.
What do you think? Are these deaths related to an unhealthy lifestyle, or are we all susceptible to death from the flu?
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
The Whole Family's In Rehab

Charlie Sheen and his wife, Brooke Mueller, had an infamous spat in December. Mueller claimed Sheen had assaulted her with a knife and she was worried for her safety.
Since then, the media spotlight has been shining brightly on the Sheen family, including their young twins.
Mueller and Sheen both have suffered from additions in the past (drugs and alcohol) and now BOTH have been admitted. Mueller for "anxiety" and Sheen for "preventative measures."
HOW SAD. Now the twins are staying with their grandparents while their parents work out what seems to be their many many issues.
Friday, February 5, 2010

Yeah, yeah, yeah... the Superbowl is about football- but what about the commercials and celebrity gossip?! Don't worry readers, I've got you covered.
Because I am an E! Network JUNKIE, I am pleased to inform you the Colts and the Saints are not the only team you need to be picking... E! sweethearts, Kendra Baskett and Kim Kardashian are also needing followers!
Kendra is married to Hank Baskett, who plays for the Colts. Their new baby boy will be watching his first football game from a luxury box with mom.
Kim dates Saints star Reggie Bush, who arrived in Miami earlier this week to prepare for the Superbowl festivities.
So! If you don't know much about either team, pick based on your favorite E! star! :)
I will be wearing my Black and Gold in Kim and Reggie's honor... Angela will be wearing Colts colors for Kendra and Hank (She's playing the mommy card...) What about you?
Heidi's Mom Hates The Work

What a shocker. Heidi Montag, who recently underwent 10 plastic surgery procedures, went home for the first time since and said her mom looked at her like a "circus freak." MAYBE it's because she wore the head gear the whole time she was home?
Her family knew nothing about the surgeries until the rest of the world found out on the cover of People magazine.
You shared your comments before, about what you thought of her new look... Now, tell me how you would have reacted if you were her mom! Would you have supported her decision or been upset that she would buckle under the pressures of Hollywood?
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Duggar Baby Drama...

How many is too many? That's the title on this weeks People Magazine cover story. It's about Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar- a devoutly religious Arkansas couple who have let God decide how many children they will have, by not using any form of birth control since their first sons birth in the mid-1980's. So far, God has decided to give them 19.
Nineteen, hmm sounds like a little much. So far, the Duggars have been blessed with 18 easy pregnancies, very few having any complications at all. Until the December birth of baby 19, Josie Brooklyn.
Diagnosed with Preeclampsia, Michelle delivered baby Josie at only 25 weeks, she was due March 18th. She weighed only 1 pound 6 ounces and her head was the size of a billiard ball. Now, 7 weeks later, she weighs over 2 pounds, is taking breastmilk and seems to be on the up and up.
The struggles baby Josie has had to face bring a question to many readers minds, How many is too many?
What do you think? Were the Duggars playing baby Russian Roulette or was Baby Josie's dangerous delivery just part of God's plan?
I am all for allowing your faith to guide your path in life, but when does it become too much, by endangering the lives of both mother and baby?
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

We know the dresses were fabulous, that the acceptance speeches were short, and the performances were great... But I thought I would share an interesting tid-bit with you that I learned on E! News last night.
This dress, warn by Ashanti cost $300,000!!! HUH?! Yep, that's the prices of a super nice home, a Mercedes Maybach or a few college educations... But who in Hollywood is counting?!
Also, here's a little bit of interesting info. Because the acceptance speeches were cut short (Thank you Grammy's!), Twitter.com allowed award recipients MORE than the 140 characters usually allotted for tweets... just to tell their fans they care and are thankful for the votes.
Speaking of Twitter! Follow me, @NKLane, on Twitter for updates on KTAB News and Gossip Girl happenings.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Stars Give Big.

As you may have heard, I am currently embedded in an Air Force crew headed to Haiti in the morning.
While that may sound rough and tough, I'm still the same old "Gossip Girl," so you can imagine my excitement when we checked into our hotel tonight in time to catch some of the Golden Globes. My best friend Mary suggested this as a perfect blog, especially considering my trip to Haiti tomorrow and my love for entertainment news! Thanks Mary!
The celebrities gave BIG tonight to Haiti relief after a devastating earthquake. Here's a quick rundown:
1. Gisele Bundchen: $1 million
2. Madonna: $250,000 (and asked her friends to do the same!)
3. George Clooney: Hosting a telethon on Jan. 22- sure to bring in millions!
4. Sandra Bullock: $1 million to Doctors Without Borders
5. Brad And Angelina: $1 million to Doctors Without Borders
And the list goes on and on...
Many attendees wore ribbons at the Golden Globes in remembrance of the Haitian people in this time of great need.
Kudos to you celebs! Thank you for giving back in such a big way...
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Heidi Montag Is A Fool.

I can't believe I am even writing this. Heidi Montag is addicted to plastic surgery and apparently, it's people magazine-worthy.
She's spent a fortune nipping and tucking her figure and face, now she wants to share her story with fans.
In one day, she had 10 PROCEDURES done- and I'm sure it wasn't a cheap day at the doctors office. She says she's been contemplating which surgeries to have for three years and that it has consumed her every thought...
I think she looked pretty darn good in the early days of "The Hills" (an MTV reality show about rich Cali kids.) What do you think? Did she need the nip and tuck or did she look OK before?
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
A New Years 'Do!

YIKES. Today, People Magazine released a picture of this weeks cover and it appears that Kate Gosselin is starting of her new year with a new hairdo. It apparently took a stylist 20 hours to attach extensions to all of those SHORT hairs that covered the back of her head... Her previous hair style made her all the more famous and gave hundreds of Halloween Costume- Hungry individuals the MOST PERFECT wig!
So, what do you think of the new look?
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