Tuesday, July 20, 2010

LiLo Is Off To The Slammer!

Celebrity bloggers and Lindsay Lohan haters are rejoicing at this very moment. Our child star turned mid-20 train wreck has arrived in court and will surrender to her 90 day jail sentence.

But, let's get real. When has a starlet ever served her full sentence in a Los Angeles jail? Because of overcrowding, my guess is that she'll serve 3 hours. MAX.

So, let's make this interesting! Tell me how long you think she'll be in the slammer and whether or not you think that's fair.

1 comment:

  1. 14 days tops. No, it isn't fair. She should have to serve the full 90 and not in isolation either. Put her in the general population. Maybe that would teach her a lesson. I doubt it but just sayin maybe....
