Alright, let me start off by apologizing for yet another "Jon and Kate Plus 8" rant. I can't help it, that is all that seems to be going on in the entertainment world, and trust me- I'm not too happy about it.
I am SICK TO DEATH of hearing Jon Gosselin cry like a baby on National TV. If you want to say something to your soon-to-be-ex-wife, tell it to her voicemail or her lawyer. Not to People Magazine or E! News. If you want to unload your bank accounts, don't sell the bank statements to TMZ and then accuse Kate of hiding your 2 million dollar paycheck.
Whew, now that's off my chest, we can get to the real nuts and blots of this blog post.
Jon and Kate Gosselin are now arguing over whether or not their 8 little tots are enjoying the life in the spotlight. Jon says "no." Kate says "yes."
OR! Is Jon just saying that because he got the boot from TLC when the network decided to focus the show more on his arch-nemesis, Kate?
You decide! Tell me, do you side with Jon or Kate?
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