Well, today's been quite a bummer when it comes to entertainment headlines. But, let's talk about three that have really stuck out to me.
1. Corey Feldman's Wife Files For Divorce: What a sad story! But, I have to say, I am AMAZED it lasted this long! The 1980's teen-heartthrob married Susie Sprague got married in 2002 after 9 months of dating on the VH1 show, "The Surreal Life." I guess divorce is all too common these days, and I can't say I'm surprised that a marriage that was officiated by MC Hammer didn't last...
2. Andre Agassi Admits Drug Use: Tennis superstar Agassi admits in his new tell-all book that he has dabbled in Crystal Meth. WHAT?! It's unreal to imagine such an incredible athlete using such a vicious drug... The book, Open, shares all sorts of stories from his past about everything from his hair-loss to his tumultuous marriage to Brooke Shields.
And for the most gut-wrenching story of the day... drum roll please!
3. Patrick Swayze's Widow Talks About Life Without Him: What a tear-jerker. I have to say, I have so much respect for her going on Oprah and talking about her life now without her husband of 34 years. She says she takes comfort in knowing, "I will see him again."
I know, this was a little bit of a downer, especially for a Gossip Girl post! SO HERE'S SOME GOOD NEWS!
The Jonas Brothers are not breaking up. I repeat, the Jonas Brothers are NOT breaking up! The rumor mill started swirling and tweens screams could be heard around the world. But, no worries everyone! The trio cleared the air and assured friends they're not leaving airwaves any time soon. Whew, at least some things are still right in the world... :)
You're my favorite. Keep up the blog.